We especially welcome contributions from people from groups underrepresented in free and open source software!
Our community aspires to be a respectful place. Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct.
To explore issues across the entire organization, check out Public Lab issues.
If you're new, and looking to get involved, you're in the right place. Check out our README to get started.
If you're new to GitHub, using branches, or opening pull requests, read here for an introduction.
If you have trouble, check out our chatroom to ask for help, or you can talk directly with the other contributors on our Gitter chatroom or just open an issue and we'll write back!
We have a welcoming "workflow" that supports you in getting started, then helps you reach out to welcome someone else in turn!
We've prepared extra-welcoming "first timers only" issues just for you.
Use your new skills to assist someone else who's just starting out. Browse issues below to see who needs help!
Read below to learn how to create a "first timers only " issue yourself!
Here are a selection of issues we've made especially for first-timers. We're here to help, so just ask if one looks interesting, by leaving a comment!
No issues left? See issues across this org here, and see the almost-as-good "candidates" below. Or learn how to prepare new first-timers-only issues here.
Once you've completed a first-timers-only issue, there are plenty of other challenges we'd love to have your help on.
In "candidates" below, there are some issues we think would make good first-timers-only issues, but haven't finished formatting. They could make a good second-time contribution!
We put a lot of work into our first-timer-only issues. But if we haven't been able to prepare any recently, here's a set of candidates we haven't yet had time to prepare, but which have most of the needed information. (Also: Learn how to help turn these into first-timers-only issues to help keep welcoming people in!
After finishing a first-timers-only issue, you're uniquely suited to help others make their own first contribution. We'd love to help you welcome another new person into our community! Here are some ways to help:
Create your own first-timers-only issue to welcome others into the project.
Also consider other ways you can support even without coding!
Below are the list of active contributors
last week:
(Show monthly)This project was made possible by many contributors, including the following GitHub users: